Find out how despite a failed endeavor with a famous rapper, Josh Taekman launched one of our favorite energy drinks - EBOOST! Described as “Clean fuel for the bold" EBOOST is a Non-GMO, Gluten and Soy-Free, natural low sugar energy drink. Being bold is also a fitting word to describe EBOOST cofounder, Josh Taekman, who, along with his partner, set out to change the way people energize, replenish, and feed their well-being. They saw a white space and imagined being able to create something they would actually use themselves. By staying true to their mission, even when it was more rewarding to abandon it, and by being willing to take risks, they navigated successfully through some major each “then what?” moments. Josh shares with Lahari Neelapareddy how he became an entrepreneur at a young age by selling candy at school and was hooked on that experience and how he has navigated through the challenges of entrepreneurship’s much higher risk level as an adult. Check out the latest episode of “Then What...?” Podcast with our founder, Lahari Neelapareddy.